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The organization “En Root” was founded in 2015 by young people that had the chance to travel, to study and to discover the cultural diversity thanks to European mobility programs Youth Program or ERASMUS + Program(European Volunteer Service, Erasmus for students, international youth exchanges, seminars, conferences and training courses). 
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The association is based in Bretagne, France. It is a rural region with many tourists especially during summer. Our organisation propose activities and projects for all children, youth and adults targeting disadvantaged neighborhoods and disadvantaged public (unemployed youth and adults,  youth from “quartiers prioritaires”, population from rural area, immigrants and refugees, population from detached areas).

Thus we  wanted to come together around common topics: education, mobility, cultural diversity, European citizenship, personal and professional development, active civic participation. The name of the organization is suggestive: En root (pun word, in French- En route)= being mobile, travelling and discovering but in the same time having the genuine cultural heritage, being  at anchor with your roots. The image of being on the road and not forgetting about your roots, being “en route” and being “en root”.


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